Friedens UCC

Join us for worship every Sunday morning in the heart of the Oley Valley

Worship is offered both in-person and virtually

Donate to Friedens UCC

Friedens UCC offers the opportunity to donate electronically through our church management system, Breeze. Donations can be made on a recurring, scheduled basis or as a one-time only payment.

Questions can be directed to the Financial Secretary at

Join us on Sunday Mornings

Friedens UCC is an active faith community in the heart of the Oley Valley. We have a weekly worship service on a Sunday morning that you can access both in-person and virtually. Visit the "Worship" page to learn more about our service, to access bulletins, and to tune into our virtual worship either live on a Sunday morning or via recordings of previous services.

An Active Faith Community

Our weekly worship service and our programatic opportunities to be engaged are always growing and changing. It is the mission of the Friedens UCC staff and leadership to keep our offerings relevant and engaging for those who participate.

Want to learn more about ways to get involved?

Use the links below (underlined text) to access information about our various programs which is all found here on our website.

Get your children involved in our Christian Education programs!

We offer Sunday School each month, Vacation Bible School (VBS) in the summer, and Confirmation Classes. We also offer occasional Bible Study opportunities for our more-senior members.

Consider renting one of our many spaces for your next event, meeting, or celebration!

We have many spaces, with ranges of sizes and intended uses, which are all available for rent.

Connect with us via our social media and newsletters!

We have a Facebook page and a YouTube channel in addition to our monthly newsletter. Additionally, our pastor sends a weekly email newsletter known as "Thursday Thoughts".

Participate in our mission & outreach work!

We have a very active Mission Team who leads a wide variety of initiatives. We also have a large Hoagie Ministry culminating in once-a-month sales during a select period of the year.